Globalization reigns in the world, borders have become conditional, and their crossing is only a paper formality. Under such conditions, in order to combat international crime, the world community has invented a universal mechanism for cooperation between law enforcement agencies.
How does this mechanism work?
The country in whose territory the wanted person has committed a serious or particularly serious crime shall submit a request to the INTERPOL General Secretariat to include the person in the single Interpol database. As a result of consideration of the request and materials confirming the commission of a serious or particularly serious crime, such a person is included in the Interpol database and receives the so-called "Interpol red notice".
According to the official website of the International Bureau "Interpol" today 66,370 people are currently in the Interpol database with the status of "Interpol red notice"
Most often, the "red card" is given to people wanted for murder, rape, child abuse, armed robbery.
Does the presence of an Interpol red notice necessarily lead to the arrest of the person against whom it was issued? No. Interpol red notice is not an international arrest warrant, but it is a mechanism for exchanging information on fugitives hiding from investigation or justice, and allows them to establish their whereabouts and facilitates effective notification of law enforcement officers of the country whose request is a "red card". was provided. In the future, each country in whose territory a person with the status of "Interpol red notice" is searched independently decides on such a person, based on its own national legislation.
Kateryna Maevska, lawyer of Dynasty Law & Investment