As a result of hostilities - shelling and explosions in Ukraine, many residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other facilities were destroyed. Such losses have serious consequences for the inhabitants of the country, in particular for people who were forced to leave their homes and move to other places, or were left without a home at all.
Therefore, the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On compensation for damage and destruction of certain categories of immovable property as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by military aggression of Russia" with registration No. 7198 is an important step to ensure the rights and interests of citizens who have suffered from war
This Law provides for the possibility of receiving compensation for real estate objects damaged and destroyed as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by Russia's military aggression, including apartments, manor houses, garden or country houses, as well as other residential premises (including dormitory rooms) and construction sites in which supporting and external structures are erected.
Compensation can be made either in the form of money with a special mode of use, or in the form of a housing certificate.
Please note that in order to receive compensation, citizens must apply to the Compensation Review Commission, which is created by the executive bodies of local councils, military or military-civilian administrations of settlements, with an application and documents confirming the right to such compensation. Such an application can be submitted in writing or in the form of an electronic application.
It should be added that persons included in the sanctions lists or persons convicted of treason, collaborationism, sabotage, espionage and other crimes defined by the first section of the special part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine" will not have the right to compensation. .
If you need help in this matter, you can contact the specialists of Dynasty Law & Investment
Konstantin Girov, partner of Dynasty Law & Investment