Categories of entrepreneurs who are exempted from paying UST in 2021 on the basis of amendments made to the legislation:
1. Entrepreneurs who did not receive income.
From January 1, 2021, there is no need to pay the minimum amount of UST for the months in which no income (profit) was received:
- sole proprietor (except for the simplified taxation system);
- persons engaged in independent professional activities;
- members of the farming enterprise.
2. Retired entrepreneurs.
- Subject of entrepreneurial activity and persons engaged in independent professional activities, if they receive an old-age or length-of-service pension;
- persons who have reached the age established by Art. 26 of the Law “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance” and receive a pension or social assistance;
- persons with disabilities.
3. Entrepreneurs are exempt from paying a unified social contribution for themselves.
- persons performing independent professional activities, provided that they are registered as individuals - entrepreneurs and they perform one type of activity simultaneously both by an individual - an entrepreneur and a person performing an independent professional activity;
- persons performing independent professional activities and natural persons - entrepreneurs who have their main place of work, those for the months of the reporting period for which the employer paid an insurance premium for such persons in the amount of at least the minimum insurance premium.
It is important. Exemption from the payment of unified social contribution is a temporary phenomenon, therefore, we recommend that you follow the latest news about amendments in legislation with a view to avoid penalties provided for undue settlement with the tax authorities.
Elizabeth Lipka, lawyer @ “Dynasty Law & Investment"