At the international level, the standards of conduct of judges have been in force for many years, which were reflected in the Bangalore Principles, approved by a resolution of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
In today's realities in Ukrainian society, the question of trust in the judicial system is extremely acute. The prevailing opinion is the need to change the approach to the selection and evaluation of judicial candidates and to full transparency of the judiciary.
Despite the fact that the Code of Judicial Ethics is in force in Ukraine, approved, including, taking into account the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, the judicial system of Ukraine is now only at the beginning of the path to international standards, the observance and implementation of which are absolutely necessary for the construction and development of legal state
Consider these principles:
• independence. In international standards, this principle means not only the absence of any influence on the judge and the exclusion of any ties with him, but also the need for the judge to openly adhere to an independent position in relation to society as a whole.
• objectivity. This principle should be manifested not only in the absence of any bias, favors and preferences in the judge, but also in the general behavior of the judge and outside the court, which should inspire the trust and support of society.
• honesty and incorruptibility. They should be obvious even to an outside observer.
• compliance with ethical norms. A judge has more onerous responsibilities than the average citizen, which the judge must be fully aware of and willing to accept.
• equality. Unequivocal and absolutely equal treatment of each participant in the legal process. Figuratively, this is the same bandage over the eyes of Themis.
• competence and diligence. A judge must constantly improve his professional level and personal qualities.
Victoria Doskovska, attorney at Dynasty Law & Investment