The concept of mobbing was first interpreted and researched by German psychologist Heinz Leimann in the early 1980s. For several years, he studied the behavior of office workers, their relationships and psychological state. The research identified and described more than 40 types of mobbing, including: spreading rumors, mockery, criticism, threats, etc.
Mobbing acquired a special study and the status of a "problem" in the 90s, when the book "Violence at Work", published by the International Labor Organization (UN), proved its danger on a par with rape, robbery and murder.
This is how legitimate opposition to such a phenomenon began among European countries. In particular, the European Social Charter, Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated June 12, 1989 No. 89/391/EEC, Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated November 27, 2000 No. 2000/78/EC.
Ukraine is a developed country that strives to improve and improve the lives of its citizens. That is why on November 16, 2022, amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the prevention and counteraction of mobbing (harassment) were adopted.
And in the main legislative act of labor legislation - the Labor Code of Ukraine - the concept of mobbing (harassment) appeared and its direct prohibition in Article 2-2 of the Labor Code of Ukraine.
Signs of mobbing:
• Systematic harassment;
• Parties – Victim and Offender;
• Action or inaction of a person.
From now on, measures to prevent mobbing and counteract this phenomenon must be specified in the collective agreement.
Oleksandr Chornukha, attorney at Dynasty law & investment