On September 6, the Unified whistleblower reporting portal became operational. The portal was created in order for citizens to have the opportunity to report facts of corruption or other violations of the Law "On Prevention of Corruption" to the NAKC. The law guarantees that the message you leave on the Portal will be anonymous, if you so wish, if not, then your data will be available to law enforcement officers. However, it is worth noting that if your message is anonymous, you will lose the right to receive the reward.
The creation of such a portal is a requirement that was put before Ukraine on the way to joining the EU. During the first 13 days of the Portal's operation, 226 messages were registered, 90 of them were accepted, 3 were considered.
As for the reward itself, whistleblowers who have reported a corruption crime whose amount or the amount of damage caused to the state from which amounts to UAH 13,420,000 (in 2023) have the right to receive it. In our opinion, this amount is quite high, the history of the largest bribes in Ukraine includes only a few cases of corruption crimes of such magnitude. Ordinary citizens are unlikely to be able to count on receiving a reward, since they do not encounter such bribes, and the people from whom such bribes are demanded are unlikely to become whistleblowers.
The amount of the reward is 10% of the subject of the corruption crime or the amount of damage caused to the state, but no more than UAH 8,052,000 (in 2023). The whistleblower will be able to receive a reward only after a guilty verdict has been passed against the person whose corruption the whistleblower reported, and such a verdict has entered into legal force.
The main goal of the Portal is to enable employees of state structures to anonymously report facts of corruption crimes within the structures themselves.
The practice of the countries of the European Union shows that the creation of such mechanisms for informing about corruption is an effective method of fighting and preventing corruption crimes. However, only time will tell how such a mechanism will work in Ukraine.
The specified Portal is available at - – https://whistleblowers.nazk.gov.ua/#/.
Oleksandr Fedorko, Attorney at Dynasty Law & Investment